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23 November 2011 - 3:05 A.M.

So, the newest news is that my Dad died Monday. Was a bit of a shock. He'd been on life support and had a feeding tube, so I knew things were bad, but always had the feeling that he'd kick it's ass and come back stronger than ever. Guess things just don't work out the way you expect them to. Took him off life support and he died shortly after. I wanted to come home yesterday, but Kel talked me out of it. I am going to be going home Saturday, and of course I close Friday night. Just the thing I wanted to avoid. However, there is a good chance that I will either be able to go home early or not have to work at all. Am going to try to stay up so I don't miss the bus home. That would really suck!

In other news, hhhmmm, there really isn't anything other than I have a horrific headache from crying.

- - 04 December 2011
Dead - 23 November 2011
Oooohhh, I'm back again. - 11 March 2010
where is here? - 14 October 2008
traveling the computerless void. - 05 May 2008

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