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11 March 2010 - 1:04 A.M.

Hey ... forgot about this for the longest time. Not much to say, because everything I do is work related, and that gets old really fast. In the long run, I'd really just rather forget about that aspect of my life. Okay, who am I kidding. That's about all my life boils down to. I don't have anything outside of work. *sigh*

Not exactly in the best of moods lately, probably due to the feet hurting quite badly. I really should go to the doctor to get things checked out. But you know how much I love going to the doctor, so unless I can't walk - and I mean I am physically unable to get anywhere without crawling - then you know I am not going to be heading to the doctor. Because I can't afford it with my crap insurance - where one test is going to wipe it out totally. And I don't want to get slapped with a pre-existing condition if this horrific plan of Obama's actually goes thru. Because that means I'll have even worse insurance than I do now -- and that's a scary thought. Sucks to be me in the health department. On a positive note, I'm generally healthy most of the time. Good thing too, because I work in food service, so having a cold and handling people's food is a bit of a bozo-no no for me. I can't stand the thought of passing along cold germs. And I would really appreciate the customers extending me the same courtesy. If you're sick, please don't come into my workplace and contaminate me, thank you very much. *steps off soapbox*

Okay, think I've babbled long enough. I need to get out of this town, even if it is a temporary fix. ... but that won't be happening for a while. C'est la vie! I'm out. Time for a nap.

- - 04 December 2011
Dead - 23 November 2011
Oooohhh, I'm back again. - 11 March 2010
where is here? - 14 October 2008
traveling the computerless void. - 05 May 2008

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