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05 May 2008 - 5:32 P.M.

Shoot! Just typed an entry, but lost it in cyberspace. :p Guess I'm going to have to try again

I am totally computerless for a bit, because I had to take it in for a bit of maintainance. :( I didn't want to, but in it's current state, it's not doing me a dang bit of good just leaving it sit. Although I had a hard enough time letting it go. Now I have to make due with visits to the library to keep up with things. *sob* Wish the time that they had to keep it was already over and I had it back. Without losing everything on it. The guy who walked me thru this said they think it's only a cable, or the motherboard, so it's likely I haven't lost all the data, but I did get the chance to back everything up, just in case, before it went phlooey on me. *sigh*

Well, my time at the library computer is almost up, so I think I'm going to split and hit Taco Bell. I'm craving a burrito. C-ya!

- - 04 December 2011
Dead - 23 November 2011
Oooohhh, I'm back again. - 11 March 2010
where is here? - 14 October 2008
traveling the computerless void. - 05 May 2008

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